Spain Summer Lab 2004

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Aditya Surjosantoso and Gunawan Tjahono in the vapor-liquid equilibrium experiment

Ben Lowerre and Beth Manor doing the RTD experiment

Martina Carbone reviewing data for the distillation experiment

Eric Leung adjusting the distillation column

Andrew Kotecki and Adam Roth performing a Reverse Osmosis experiment

Matt Porter and John Schmidt conferencing with Prof. José Ramón Álvarez

Lunch time!

Amber Barnes and Suzan Cox from ISU, join Beth Manor, Adam Roth, Aditya Surjosantoso, and Gunawan Tjahjono for a short rest after lunch at Palacio Can

The vineyard at Palacio Canedo

Lunch at Palacio Canedo. Ben Lowerre, Luke Brubaker (ISU), Eric Leung, Michelle State and Jeanna Penley (ISU), Elizabeth Manor, and Suzan Cox (ISU)

Lunch at Palacio Canedo. Lauri Frankowski, Ryan Myhre, Matt Porter, Andrew Kotecki, Patrick and Amy Harrington (ISU)

Lunch at Palacio Canedo. (Visible only, clockwise from left) Amber Barnes (ISU), Adam Roth, Gunawan Tjahjono, Prof. Rafael Chavez, Prof. José Coca

Visit to Templar Castle in Ponferrada.

(Clockwise from left) Ryan Myhre, Lauri Frankowski,Suzan Cox (ISU) Beth Manor, Siu Fung Leung, Prof. José Coca, Jeanna Penley, Andrew Kotecki.

Visit to Templar Castle in Ponferrada

(Roughly front to back and left to right) Jeanna Penley, Ryan Myhre, Andrew Kotecki, Prof. Fernando Diaz (Oviedo), Martina Carbone, Martina Carbone, Matt Porter, Siu Fung Leung, Ben Lowerre, Gunawan Tjahjono, Prof Ken Jolls (ISU), Suzan Cox (ISU), Beth Manor, John Schmidt, Matt Roby (ISU), Kara Paquette (ISU), Adam Roth, Patrick McMullen (ISU)

The Templar Castle

The group examining a rotary drier in Bioetanol Galicia

Suzan Cox (ISU), Matt Porter, and Adam Roth at the door of the Ethanol Plant in Galicia

Museo Del Prado Madrid Before

Outside Museodel Prado

Ryan Myhre andLauri Frankowski Fluidization Experiment

Uniovi Seminar Room 1

U Oviedo Historic Library

U Oviedo Seminar Room

Created on July 29, 2004
Modified on May 27, 2005
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