UW - Madison Summer Lab Session 1 - 2004

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Zach and Ed observing their experiment

Mike, Tim, Alvin, and Dr. Dave around the distillation column

Liz, Mike, Tim, and Alvin testing concentration of ethanol

Andy and Tanya measuring the diffusidity of candy and water

Paul, Dr. Chavez, and Brad consulting about their experiment

Andy and Professor Coca discussing humidification water cooling dehumidification

Nate and Jon experimenting with bubble reactor flow

Brian and Dustin experimenting with ink removal from paper with flotation

Ryan and Pasna discussing their results

Beth and Machester working on cisco meteric measurement of LCST for PEO

Sarah & Megan working on a breakfast cereal experiment

Mike & Justin studying the effects of cooling water

Fayyad running the air lift reactor

Ryan and Andrew sorting through syringes for their experiment

Ben & Brad working on their new coke experiment

Ben & Brad working on their new coke experiment

Tim, Liz, and Lynn stopping to pose for a picture

Mayli & Sean Sean working on desalination

Elizabeth working on the heat exchanger

Alvin working on kintics

Alvin working on kintics

Professor Hill, Mikey, Tim, Alvin, and Liz working on the tank reactor

Professor Klingenberg and Tim conversing

Adam working on turbulent drag reduction with Kristy observing

Kristy seeing effects of a strobe light on turbulent drag reduction

Brad & Paul conversing

Brad & Paul working on polarization

Created on May 26, 2004
Modified on May 27, 2005
Content by diaz@engr.wisc.edu
Markup by diaz@engr.wisc.edu