Vienna Summer Lab

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The view of the Schönbrun summer palace and Vienna, beyond, was a nice change from the lab.

The Castle Kreuzenberg was built in the 19th century to preserve many features of older architectural wonders.

John Hillman, Ryan Harris (Clemson), Sarah Melsen, and Mike Freeman relax on a side trip to Prague.

Mark Penshorn, Wyatt Shipley, and Mike Freeman enjoyed the climb on castle ruins above farms in the beautiful Danube River Valley.

The class collected at the entrance to the Castle Kreuzenberg.

Students and the Root family gathered to see Walter demonstrate the Column Internals.

Lisa and Mike carefully weighed samples for the particles sizing experiment.

Lisa Kamke and Mike Freeman check the balances on their spray drier data.

Everybody collected at the Mozart Statue in the garden and the Neue Berg palace complex.

Students and staff climbed castle ruins to see the valley.

Professors Root and Harasek on top of the Danube River overlook.

Mike and Lisa enjoyed the view after the climb.

Mark Penshorn made spray-dried beer flavor in his final experiment.

John Hillman sends greetings to a friend while processing food products.

After a plant tour, spirited discussion continued at a local eatery.

Underwater in the hydro power plant, Mike Freeman checks out the shaft seal.

Students gather for a group dinner.

Students and friends relaxing over a group dinner at the student hostel.

Lisa Kamke closely monitored the distillation equipment.

Juliana Tjondro and Anita Wongosari sweated over the reverse osmosis desalinization rig.

Wyatt and Kai enjoyed flooding the Column Intervals experiment.

Kai Slaasted and Wyatt Shipley show the effects of long hours in the computer lab.