UW- Madison Summer Lab Session One

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Josh Quast and Shruti Prakash analyzing data from the reactor experiment

Nathan Weber and Brandon Fream working on a Plate and Frame exchanger

Kevin Yttre and Amelia Liew work on their second assignment

Amelia discovers something funny behind the humidification column. Gavin Pang looks on

Matt Stephan and Spencer Pack hard at work

Shruti Parkash and Adrienne Fleig happy because their jet pump is working

Matt pays a visit to Shrutti and Adrienne

Shruti Parkash and Adrienne Fleig

Matt Stephan

Andy Marin and Scott Klemme working on the centrifugal pump

Josh Quast and Chi-Kin Chow

Chi-Kin and Josh Quast

Scott Klemme and Andy Martin

Spencer and Matt

David Kemper and Brandon James preparing their multicomponent distillation experiment

Andrew Mezera, Spencer and Matt do not seem to pay much attention to the Reactor experiment. Perhaps Kristen Dabbert is running it!

Andrew, Spencer and Matt

Kevin Yttre and Sean Wilyana have a conference with Professor Nabil Abdel-Jabbar

John Cannon cannot believe what Matt just told him! Professor Adbel-Jabbar prefers to stay neutral.

Henry Troost and Jody Schmid share a secret

Henry and Jody show that Summer Lab can be fun

Shruti and Adrienne show their jet pump, while Xenia Tombokan listens to Dr. Schoenberg indications

Elizabeth Nack and Mary Guokas really enjoyed the aqueous phase difussion experiment.

Elizabeth and Mary

Brandon Fream and Nathan Weber show that not all experiments deal with dangerous chemicals

Created on October 22, 2003
Modified on October 22, 2003
Content by diaz@engr.wisc.edu
Markup by diaz@engr.wisc.edu